Many years ago I used to assume that people who are self disciplined in one area of their life would be more likely to exhibit self discipline in other areas as well. In reality though, I have not found this to be the case.
In my own research I have been amazed at the lack of crossover when it comes to self-discipline. I know a lot of people who are able to discipline themselves in specific areas, while showing a complete lack of discipline in others. It appears that on some deep level most people feel that self-discipline is a sacrifice. They are usually aware of all the benefits, but still, deep down it feels like a sacrifice.
An emotional boomerang
Too much perceived sacrifice will eventually encourage overindulgence, like some kind of emotional counter balance. This is an interesting note on human behavior because self-discipline inevitably brings benefits and the benefits are viewed as positive results. However, when the efforts required to obtain those goals are viewed as painful on an emotional level, it becomes almost impossible to maintain self-discipline.
If our mind is pushing against our emotions, even in the pursuit of a beneficial goals, the emotional anchor needs to be interrupted for progress to continue.
Set simultaneous goals
For this reason I often encourage people to set simultaneous goals in two different areas of their lives. I would have said unrelated areas but in reality everything is related. It seems that, by making progress in two different areas at the same time, the pattern of self-discipline is ingrained at a faster pace and the focus has a tendency to shift away from the perceived sacrifice. Moving back and forth from one positive action to another will often disrupt the mental and emotional, push pull pattern. Basically it’s a pattern interrupt strategy.
This is a simple yet effective way to help you establish a new pattern of success in two different areas of your life at the same and avoid the downside. Give it a try and let me know how you do.?